Hongjin Printing Passed The Re-certification Of The Three Systems
Dated: 2016 - 12 - 14
Clicks: 196

From June23 to June 28, 2014, Hongjin Printing accepted the re-certification of the three systems. The expert group of certification company spot checked the 9 department of the Quality Management, 15 sites, drew 560 samples; 10 departments of Environment Management, 10 sites, drew more than 500 samples; 10 departments of Safety Management, 13 sites, drew more than 600 samples.

The expert group agreed that the quality, environment & safety management systems of Hongjin Printing company are of continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, and spoke highly of Hongjin Printing work, and reached consensus on passing the re-certification.

Hongjin Printing Passed The Re-certification Of The Three Systems

Hongjin Printing Passed The Re-certification Of The Three Systems

Hongjin Printing Passed The Re-certification Of The Three Systems


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